Inside the RML 380Z

The cards, left to right:

  1. VDU 80/02. The keyboard and cassette ports feed into this.
  2. CPU board. Containing a Mostek copy of the Z80 CPU and 32K of RAM, as 16 × 4116 chips. Hooked up to the parallel port.
  3. RAM board. A depopulated version of the CPU board, apart from another 32K of RAM.
  4. Graphics board. Wired to the board at the bottom right, which feed the four BNC sockets at the back (RGB and sync).
  5. IO board. Connected to the serial port and floppy disks. Contains a Mostek Z80 CTC and a Western Digital FD1771B floppy disk controller.
  6. Another graphics board. Contains a PAL modulator. Connected to the monitor socket and the TV socket.