Inside the RML 380Z
The cards, left to right:
- VDU 80/02. The keyboard and cassette ports feed into this.
- CPU board. Containing a Mostek copy of the Z80 CPU and 32K of RAM, as 16 × 4116 chips. Hooked up to the parallel port.
- RAM board. A depopulated version of the CPU board, apart from another 32K of RAM.
- Graphics board. Wired to the board at the bottom right, which feed the four BNC sockets at the
back (RGB and sync).
- IO board. Connected to the serial port and floppy disks. Contains a Mostek Z80 CTC and a Western
Digital FD1771B floppy disk controller.
- Another graphics board. Contains a PAL modulator. Connected to the monitor socket and
the TV socket.