Part | Title | Status |
001-000238-06 | 8K memory | |
001-000252-03 | Nova 800 820 CPU1 | |
001-000253-00 | Nova 800 820 CPU2 | |
001-000258-23 | disk cartridge control | |
001-000260-15 | cassette bank logic and power supply | |
001-000278-03 | 8020 FPU1 | |
001-000279-04 | 8020 FPU2 | |
001-000281-01 | Nova 1220 820 backpanel IO terminator | |
001-000295-02 | modem controller registers 4101 | |
001-000296-02 | Multiplexor logic | |
001-000298-03 | Bus drop and clock 4103 | |
001-000313-01 | SLA logic 4073 | |
001-000314-01 | SLA logic 7074 | |
001-000316-00 | SLA state flow char 4073 4074 | |
001-000317-00 | SLA timing diagram 4073 | |
001-000333-04 | RTC option 4079 | |
001-000334-07 | Teletype option 4077 4078 | |
001-000336-03 | cassette basic option 4075 | |
001-000341-02 | communications power supply | |
001-000342-01 | 8K memory |