This chapter describes the characters generated by the VT102 keyboard. The keys are divided into three groups: standard keys, function keys, and numeric keypad keys.
The keyboard generates American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) characters. The standard keys (Figure 4-1) generate lowercase ASCII characters when neither SHIFT or CAPS LOCK are down. These keys generate uppercase ASCII characters when either SHIFT or CAPS LOCK key are down. CAPS LOCK does not affect the nonalphabetic keys.
The function keys (Figure 4-2) generate characters defined by the computer software or communication system. The following paragraphs describe the function keys.
This key generates a break defined by the computer system when the break enable feature is on. This feature does not affect other key sequences using BREAK.
Hold down SHIFT and press BREAK to generate a long break disconnect. A long break disconnect usually disconnects the terminal from the communication line. See Break in Chapter 6 for more information about breaks and long break disconnects.
Hold down CTRL and press HERE IS to transmit the answerback message. See Chapter 3 for more information about the answerback feature.
In ANSI mode, with alternate (application) keypad mode selected, the cursor keys generate either application or cursor control sequences. Cursor key mode selects the type of sequence.
With numeric keypad mode selected, the cursor keys generate ANSI cursor commands. The computer selects both cursor key mode and keypad mode. See Cursor Key Character Selection in Chapter 5 for more information.
In VT52 mode, the cursor keys only generate VT52 cursor control sequences. Table 4-1 lists the ANSI and VT52 compatible cursor key characters.
Cursor Key | ANSI Mode | VT52 Mode | |
Cursor Key Mode Reset | Cursor Key Mode Set | ||
↑ |
ESC [ A 033 133 101 |
ESC O A 033 117 101 |
ESC A 033 101 |
↓ |
ESC [ B 033 133 102 |
ESC O B 033 117 102 |
ESC B 033 102 |
→ |
ESC [ C 033 133 103 |
ESC O C 033 117 103 |
ESC C 033 103 |
← |
ESC [ D 033 133 104 |
ESC O D 033 117 104 |
ESC D 033 104 |
Figure 4-3 shows the keys that generate control characters. You can generate control characters in two ways.
Table 4-2 lists the control characters generated by the keyboard. Different computer systems may use each control character differently.
NOTE: The VT102 generates some control characters differently than previous DIGITAL terminals. Table 4-3 lists the changes.
Control Character | Mnemonic | Transmitted Code (Octal) | Key Pressed with CTRL | Dedicated Key |
Null | NUL | 000 | Space Bar | - |
Start of heading | SOH | 001 | A | - |
Start of text | STX | 002 | B | - |
End of text | ETX | 003 | C | - |
End of transmission | EOT | 004 | D | - |
Enquire | ENQ | 005 | E | - |
Acknowledge | ACK | 006 | F | - |
Bell | BEL | 007 | G | - |
Back space | BS | 010 | H | BACK SPACE |
Horizontal tabulation | HT | 011 | I | TAB |
Linefeed | LF | 012 | J | LINE FEED |
Vertical tabulation | VT | 013 | K | - |
Form feed | FF | 014 | L | - |
Carriage return | CR | 015 | M | RETURN* |
Shift out | SO | 016 | N | - |
Shift in | SI | 017 | O | - |
Data link escape | DLE | 020 | P | - |
Device control 1 | DC1 (XON) | 021 | Q | - |
Device control 2 | DC2 | 022 | R | - |
Device control 3 | DC3 (XOFF) | 023 | S | - |
Device control 4 | DC4 | 024 | T | - |
Negative acknowledge | NAK | 025 | U | - |
Synchronous idle | SYN | 026 | V | - |
End of transmission block | ETB | 027 | W | - |
Cancel of previous word or character | CAN | 030 | X | - |
End of medium | EM | 031 | Y | - |
Substitute | SUB | 032 | Z | - |
Escape | ESC | 033 | [ | - |
File separator | FS | 034 | \ | - |
Group separator | GS | 035 | ] | - |
Record separator | RS | 036 | ~ | - |
Unit separator | US | 037 | ? | - |
Delete | DEL | 177 | DELETE | |
* The numeric keypad mode determines whether RETURN and ENTER generate the same control codes. The codes generated by RETURN are changed by two feature selections:
Control Code | VT102 | Previous Terminals |
NUL (octal 000) | CTRL Space Bar | CTRL @ |
RS (octal 036) | CTRL ~ | CTRL ^ |
US (octal 037) | CTRL ? | CTRL _ |
These keys generate characters selected by the ANSI/VT52 feature and alternate (application) keypad mode. The computer selects application keypad mode. See Keypad Character Selection in Chapter 5 for more information.
In numeric keypad mode, the numeric keypad generates the numeric, comma, period, and minus sign characters used by the main keyboard. In application keypad mode, the numeric keypad generates control functions. Table 4-4 lists the characters generated by the numeric keypad.
Key | ANSI Mode | VT52 Mode | ||
Numeric Keypad Mode | Application Keypad Mode | Numeric Keypad Mode | Application Keypad Mode | |
0 | 0 060 |
ESC O p 033 117 160 |
0 060 |
ESC ? p 033 077 160 |
1 | 1 061 |
ESC O q 033 117 161 |
1 061 |
ESC ? q 033 077 161 |
2 | 2 062 |
ESC O r 033 117 162 |
2 062 |
ESC ? r 033 077 162 |
3 | 3 063 |
ESC O s 033 117 163 |
3 063 |
ESC ? s 033 077 163 |
4 | 4 064 |
ESC O t 033 117 164 |
4 064 |
ESC ? t 033 077 164 |
5 | 5 065 |
ESC O u 033 117 165 |
5 065 |
ESC ? u 033 077 165 |
6 | 6 066 |
ESC O v 033 117 166 |
6 066 |
ESC ? v 033 077 166 |
7 | 7 067 |
ESC O w 033 117 167 |
7 067 |
ESC ? w 033 077 167 |
8 | 8 070 |
ESC O x 033 117 170 |
8 070 |
ESC ? x 033 077 170 |
9 | 9 071 |
ESC O y 033 117 171 |
9 071 |
ESC ? y 033 077 171 |
- | - (minus) 055 |
ESC O m 033 117 155 |
- (minus) 055 |
ESC ? m 033 077 155* |
, | , (comma) 054 |
ESC O l 033 117 154 |
, (comma) 054 |
ESC ? l 033 077 154* |
. | . (period) 056 |
ESC O n 033 117 156 |
. (period) 056 |
ESC ? n 033 077 156 |
ENTER† | CR or CR LF 015 or 015 012 |
ESC O M 033 117 115 |
CR or CR LF 015 or 015 012 |
ESC ? M 033 077 115 |
PF1 |
ESC O P 033 117 120 |
ESC O P 033 117 120 |
ESC P 033 120 |
ESC P 033 120 |
PF2 |
ESC O Q 033 117 121 |
ESC O Q 033 117 121 |
ESC Q 033 121 |
ESC Q 033 121 |
PF3 |
ESC O R 033 117 122 |
ESC O R 033 117 122 |
ESC R 033 122 |
ESC R 033 122 |
PF4 |
ESC O S 033 117 123 |
ESC O S 033 117 123 |
ESC S 033 123 |
ESC S 033 123 |
* These sequences are not generated by the VT52 terminal † In numeric keypad mode (application keypad mode off), you can change the ENTER character code with the linefeed/new line feature. When off, this feature causes ENTER to generate a single control character (CR, octal 015). When on, this feature causes ENTER to generate two characters (CR, octal 015 and LF, octal 012). |