VT100 User Guide

Chapter 5
Accessories and Supplies

The VT100 video terminal is a data transaction terminal supporting a wide variety of user-controllable character and screen attributes. Additional features include smooth scrolling, selectable column widths and typewriter-like detachable keyboard. The following describes VT100 supplies and accessories.

Accessory Categories


Item Number DEC Part Number Description
1 VT1XX-AE VT100 formed screen filter, gray antiglare coating
1 VT1XX-AR VT100 nonreflective filter screen
2 VT1XX-ST VT100 terminal stand with casters
2 VT1XX-SU VT100 terminal table (VT1XX-ST), lot of 25
2 VT1XX-SV VT100 terminal table (VT1XX-ST), lot of 50
3 H9850-HK Heavy gauge vinyl dust cover, charcoal brown
4 H980-CS Catalog stand with eight one-inch removable cartridges for 8½ inches × 11 inches documentation
4 H980-CP Cartridges for catalog stand
5 LA12X-UA Blank keycap kit of 50, Row 4*
5 LA12X-UB Blank keycap kit of 50, Row 1*
5 LA12X-UC Blank keycap kit of 50, Row 2*
5 LA12X-UD Blank keycap kit of 50, F&J type
5 LA12X-UE Blank keycap kit of 50, SET-UP
5 LA12X-UF Blank keycap kit of 50, TAB
5 LA12X-UH Blank keycap kit of 50, CAP LOCK
5 LA12X-UJ Blank keycap kit of 50, SHIFT
5 LA12X-UL Main array blank keycap set
* Row 1 is the row immediately above Space Bar
Item Number DEC Part Number Description
5 LA12X-UM Blank keycap kit of 50, CR
5 LA12X-UN Blank keycap kit of 50, ENTER
5 LA12X-UP Blank keycap kit of 50, Num Pad 0
5 LA12X-UR Blank keycap kit of 50, Row 3*
5 LA12X-US Blank keycap kit of 50, Row 5*
5 LA12X-UT Numeric pad blank keycap set
6 DF01-A Acoustic telephone coupler, 300 bps with combination EIA (RS232-C) and 20 mA current loop cable
7 DF02-AA Direct connect, Bell 103J equivalent, 300 bps full-duplex modem with EIA RS232-C interface
8 30-10958-02 Cable to interface older DF01 couplers to VT100
9 VT1XX-AA VT100 20 mA current loop option with cable
9 VT1XX-AC VT100 printer port
10 VT1XX-AB VT100 advanced video option
11 BC03M-50 Female-female null modem cable, 50 ft (15.2 m)
11 BC03M-A0 Female-female null modem cable, 100 ft (30.5 m)
11 BC03M-B5 Female-female null modem cable, 250 ft (76.2 m)
11 BC03M-E0 Female-female null modem cable, 500 ft (152.4 m)
* Row 1 is the row immediately above Space Bar
Item Number DEC Part Number Description
11 BC05D-10† RS-232 female to RS-232 male: EIA extension cable (14 conductor) used with VT100 for modem connections, 10 ft (3.0 m)
11 BC05D-25† RS-232 female to RS-232 male: EIA extension cable (14 conductor) used with VT100 for modem connections, 25 ft (7.6 m)
11 BC05D-50† RS-232 female to RS-232 male: EIA extension cable (14 conductor) used with VT100 for modem connections, 50 ft (15.2 m)
11 BC05F-15‡ MATE-N-LOK to MATE-N-LOK: 20 mA; direct connection between VT100 with a 20 mA option installed and a line unit, 15 ft (4.6 m)
11 BC05F-50‡ MATE-N-LOK to MATE-N-LOK: 20 mA; direct connection between VT100 with a 20 mA option installed and a line unit, 50 ft (15.2 m)
11 BC05F-A0‡ MATE-N-LOK to MATE-N-LOK: 20 mA; direct connection between VT100 with a 20 mA option installed and a line unit, 100 ft (30.5 m)
11 BC03M-LO Female-female null modem cable, 1000 ft (304.8 m)
11 BC05X-15 20 mA current loop extension cable, 15 ft (4.6 m)
11 BC05X-25 20 mA current loop extension cable, 25 ft (7.6 m)
11 BC05X-50 20 mA current loop extension cable, 50 ft (15.2 m)
† For use with a DF01-A Acoustic Coupler. Pin 23 of this cable must be disconnected.
‡ A BC05F-15 cable is shipped with the VT1XX-AA option.
Item Number DEC Part Number Description
11 BC22A-10 EIA RS232 female-female null modem cable shielded 10 ft (3.0 m)
11 BC22A-25 EIA RS232 female-female null modem cable shielded 25 ft (7.6 m)
11 BC22B-10§ EIA RS232 male-female extension cable shielded 10 ft (3.0 m)
11 BC22B-25§ EIA RS232 male-female extension cable shielded 25 ft (7.6 m)
11 BC23A-10 Kit of 5 BC22A-10
11 BC23A-25 Kit of 5 BC22A-25
11 BC23B-10 Kit of 5 BC22B-10
11 BC23B-25 Kit of 5 BC22B-25
12 H9850-DA Anti-static floor mat, DECmat, 4 ft × 6 ft (122 cm × 183 cm), Driftwood color (brownish/gray)
12 H9850-DB Anti-static floor mat, DECmat, 4 ft × 6 ft (122 cm × 183 cm), Summer Earth color (brown/gold)
12 H9850-DC Anti-static floor mat, DECmat, 3 ft × 10 ft (91 cm × 305 cm), Silver Birch color (silvergray/brown)
12 H9850-DD Anti-static floor mat, DECmat, 3 ft × 10 ft (91 cm × 305 cm), Autumn Bronze color (orange/brown)
12 H9850-DE Anti-static floor mat, DECmat, 3 ft × 10 ft (91 cm × 305 cm), Driftwood color (brownish/gray)
§ This cable cannot be used with a DF01-A Acoustic Coupler. Use cable BC05D-XX in its place.
Item Number DEC Part Number Description
12 H9850-DF Anti-static floor mat, DECmat, 4 ft × 6 ft (122 cm × 183 cm), Silver Birch color (silvergray/brown)
12 H9850-DH Anti-static floor mat, DECmat, 4 ft × 6 ft (122 cm × 183 cm), Autumn Bronze color (orange/brown)
13 H970-EB Terminal table, 27 inches high × 36 inches wide × 30 inches deep (68.6 cm × 91.4 cm × 76.2 cm) with levelers
13 H970-HB Terminal table, 27 inches high × 24 inches wide × 30 inches deep (68.6 cm × 61.0 cm × 76.2 cm) with levelers
14 H9532-AA Work-station desk with blue front panel and gray side panels, levelers, 48 inches wide × 30 inches high × 30 inches deep (122 cm × 76.2 cm × 76.2 cm)
14 H9532-AB Work-station desk with brown front panel and brown side panels, levelers, 48 inches wide × 30 inches high × 30 inches deep (122 cm × 76.2 cm × 76.2 cm)
14 H9614-AB Split top add-on work station, one side panel
14 H9614-AD Split top standalone unit
14 H9614-AF Split top dual add-on unit (uses H9610 end panels for support)
15 H9850-AP Media Mate™, file or shelf storage cart with casters and lockable drawer, 25.25 inches high × 15 inches deep × 18.5 inches wide (64.1 cm × 38.1 cm × 47.0 cm)
16 EK-18251-20 Terminals and Communications Handbook
16 EK-VT100-UG VT100 User’s Guide
Item Number DEC Part Number Description
16 EK-VT100-J1 VT100 Mini Maintenance Manual
16 EK-VT100-IP VT100 Video Terminal IPB
16 EK-VT100-RC VT100 Program Reference Card
16 EK-VT100-TM VT100 Technical Manual
17 MP-00633 VT100 Maintenance Prints

Spares Kits

Item Number DEC Part Number Description
4A-VT100 VT100 Spares Kit
4A-LOTVT-AA Lot of 10, 30-16080-01, XFRMR, fly back (ELSTON)
4A-LOTVT-AB Lot of 10, 30-16080-02, PC Board Assy (ELSTON)
4A-LOTVT-AC Lot of 10, 54-13009, VT100 Basic Video
4A-LOTVT-AD Lot of 10, 70-14979, Power Supply Assy
4A-LOTVT-AE Lot of 10, 70-15765, Keybrd/Keycap Assy

How To Order

Telephone Orders

Continental USA call 800-258-1710 (8:30 am to 6:00 pm EST)
In New Hampshire, call 603-884-6660 (8:30 am to 6:00 pm EST)
In Alaska, and Hawaii, call 408-734-4915 (8:15 am to 5:00 pm PST)

Important Information Concerning Telephone Orders

Direct Mail Orders

Purchase orders should be mailed directly to:

US Customers

PO Box CS2008
Nashua, New Hampshire 03061

International Customers

A&SG Business Manager
c/o DIGITAL’s local subsidiary

Important Information Concerning Direct Mail Orders