Terminals and Printers Handbook 1983-84

Appendix L

DECwriter IV (LA34/LA38) Programming Summary

The most current operating and programming information on the DECwriter IV family is reproduced here.

Operating Information

Setup Mode

Key Function/Comments
CTRL and SETUP Pressed to enter SETUP; SETUP light flashes
SETUP Pressed to exit SETUP; SETUP light stops flashing


  1. Do not use SHIFT unless specified.
  2. The LA34 must be in SETUP to select the following features.
  3. All feature settings found on the LA34-AA will also be found on the LAX34-XL unless otherwise indicated.


Key Function/Comments
Horizontal Tabs
1 Set horizontal tab stop at current active column
2 Clear horizontal tab stop at current active column
3 Clear all horizontal tab stops
Horizontal Margin
5 Set left margin at current active column
6 Set right margin at current active column
7 Clear both horizontal margins
Horizontal Pitch
H = A RETURN Selects 10 characters per inch
H = B RETURN Selects 12 characters per inch
H = C RETURN Selects 13.2 characters per inch
H = D RETURN Selects 16.5 characters per inch
H = E RETURN Selects 5 characters per inch*
H = F RETURN Selects 6 characters per inch*
H = G RETURN Selects 6.6 characters per inch*
H = H RETURN Selects 8.25 characters per inch*

Note: Changing the horizontal pitch causes the horizontal margins to be reset to the maximum settings.

* (LA34-AA only)

Key Function/Comments
Vertical Pitch
V = D RETURN Selects 2 lines per inch
V = E RETURN Selects 3 lines per inch
V = F RETURN Selects 4 lines per inch
V = A RETURN Selects 6 lines per inch
V = B RETURN Selects 8 lines per inch
V = C RETURN Selects 12 lines per inch

Forms Control (LA34-AA only)

Key Function/Comments
F = no. of lines Sets form length at desired number of lines (can be 1 through 168 lines per page)
4 Top of form is set at current line
Vertical Margins
SHIFT 5 Sets the top margin at the current line
SHIFT 6 Sets the bottom margin at the current line
SHIFT 7 Clears both the top and bottom margins
Vertical Tabs
SHIFT 1 Sets a vertical tab stop at the current line
SHIFT 2 Clears the vertical tab stop at the current line
SHIFT 3 Clears all vertical tab stops


Key Function/Comments
8 Print out current feature status information
H RETURN Print out the horizontal pitch (characters per inch) status information
V RETURN Print out the vertical pitch (lines per inch) status information
(LAX34-XL only)
Store the current feature status information into non-volatile memory
9 RETURN Recall present parameters now in memory

Terminal Reset

Key Function/Comments
I RETURN Reset temporarily stored SETUP features to permanent settings


Key Function/Comments
T RETURN Print a ripple pattern
T SHIFT \ Print a pattern of multiple vertical bars in four passes per line
T SPACE BAR Spaces across the platen, returns, line feeds and then repeats
T and any printable character key Print the selected character continually

Note: Self-test ends when any character is typed on the keyboard or received from the host.

International Character Sets

Key Function/Comments
Printer Primary Character Set
(LA34-AA only)
C = A RETURN Selects United States ASCII
C = B RETURN Selects United Kingdom (British)
C = C RETURN Selects French-Canadian
C = D RETURN Selects German
C = E RETURN Selects Swedish
C = F RETURN Selects French
C = G RETURN Selects Finnish
C = H RETURN Selects Norway/Denmark
C = I RETURN Selects APL (LA34-XL only)
C = J RETURN Selects VT100 line drawing (LA34-XL only)
Key Function/Comments
Printer Alternate Character Set
(LAX34-XL only)
D = A RETURN Selects United States ASCII
D = B RETURN Selects United Kingdom (British)
D = C RETURN Selects French-Canadian
D = D RETURN Selects German
D = E RETURN Selects Swedish
D = F RETURN Selects French
D = G RETURN Selects Finnish
D = H RETURN Selects Norway/Denmark
D = I RETURN Selects APL (LA34-XL only)
D = J RETURN Selects VT100 line drawing (LA34-XL only)
Key Function/Comments
Keyboard Emulation Character Set
(LAX34-XL only)
K = A RETURN Selects United States ASCII
K = B RETURN Selects United Kingdom (British)
K = C RETURN Selects French-Canadian
K = D RETURN Selects German
K = E RETURN Selects Swedish
K = F RETURN Selects French
K = G RETURN Selects Finnish
K = H RETURN Selects Norway/Denmark

Note: International characters are received only on the LA34-AA and send-receive with the LAX34-XL.

System Interfacing

Key Function/Comments
Local Echo (LA34-AA only)
E = A RETURN Selects no local echo
(defaults to jumper W12 mode)
E = B RETURN Selects no local echo
E = C RETURN Selects local echo
Key Function/Comments
Parity (LA34-AA only)
P = A RETURN Selects parity set by parity switches
P = B RETURN Selects even parity
P = C RETURN Selects odd parity
P = D RETURN Selects no parity, 8 bit space
P = E RETURN Selects no parity, 8 bit mark
P = F RETURN Selects override parity received from host, transmit parity default to switch setting
Answer Back (LAX34-XL only)
A = A RETURN Disable auto-answer back
A = B RETURN Enable auto-answer back
M = delimiter message delimiter Enter 30 character answerback message flagged by delimiter characters.
Buffer Size (LAX34-XM only)
B = A RETURN Set buffer size to 160 characters in length
B = B RETURN Set buffer size to 1184 characters in length
B = C RETURN Set buffer size to 2208 characters in length
Speed (LAX34-XL only)
S = A RETURN Sets speed to 50 Baud
S = B RETURN Sets speed to 75 Baud
S = C RETURN Sets speed to 110 Baud
S = D RETURN Sets speed to 134.5 Baud
S = E RETURN Sets speed to 150 Baud
S = F RETURN Sets speed to 200 Baud
S = G RETURN Sets speed to 300 Baud
S = H RETURN Sets speed to 600 Baud
S = I RETURN Sets speed to 1200 Baud
S = J RETURN Sets speed to 1800 Baud
S = K RETURN Sets speed to 2400 Baud
S = L RETURN Sets speed to 4800 Baud
S = M RETURN Sets speed to 7200 Baud
S = N RETURN Sets speed to 9600 Baud
S = O RETURN Sets split speed to 75 transmit, 600 receive
S = P RETURN Sets split speed to 75 transmit, 1200 receive
S = Q RETURN Sets split speed to 150 transmit, 600 receive
S = R RETURN Sets split speed to 150 transmit, 1200 receive
S = S RETURN Sets split speed to 300 transmit, 2400 receive
S = T RETURN Sets split speed to 300 transmit, 4800 receive
S = U RETURN Sets split speed to 600 transmit, 2400 receive
S = V RETURN Sets split speed to 600 transmit, 4800 receive
Parity (LAX34-XL only)
P = A RETURN Selects 7 bits, parity bit = space
P = B RETURN Selects 7 bits, parity bit = even
P = C RETURN Selects 7 bits, parity bit = mark
P = D RETURN Selects 7 bits, parity bit = odd
P = E RETURN Selects 8 bits, parity bit = even
P = F RETURN Selects 8 bits, parity bit = odd
Receive Error Override
(LAX34-XL only)
R = A RETURN Disable receive parity error override (Print error blob)
R = B RETURN Enable receive parity error override (Disregard errors - print data as received)

Keyboard Controls (LAX34-XL only)

Key Function/Comments
G = A RETURN Disable printing of control characters (used for debugging)
G = B RETURN Enable printing of control characters (used for debugging)
Break Key
U = A RETURN Enable break key to function
(i.e. break = 275 milliseconds; shift break = 3.8 seconds)
U = B RETURN Disable break key
Key Pad (on LAX34-XL)
Y = A RETURN Select normal keypad mode
Y = B RETURN Select functional keypad mode

(Refer to Appendix A)

Programming Information

This sheet provides the escape sequences which can be used to control the LA34 down line. The sequences have been grouped according to function with allowed optional sequences included.

Terminal Initialization and Identification

Escape Sequence Function/Comments
ESC c Reset terminal (10 seconds should be allowed to complete)
ESC z Request product identification from terminal
ESC [ c Same as above
ESC [ 0 c Same as above
Note: The responses will be:
ESC [ ? 3 ; 1 c v1,x (LA34-DA)
ESC [ ? 3 ; 2 c v2,x (LA34-AA)
ESC [ ? 3 ; 3 c
ESC [ ? 3 ; 4 c v4,x (LA34-JA)
ESC [ ? 3 ; 5 c v5,x (LA34-AA)
ESC [ ? 3 ; 6 c v6,x (LAX34-XL installed)
ESC [ ? 3 ; 7 c v7,x (LA34-VA)

Horizontal Motion Control

Escape Sequence Function/Comments
ESC 1 Set a tab stop at the current active position
ESC H Same as above
ESC [ Pn ; ... ; Pn u Set tab stops at the columns indicated
ESC 2 Clear all tab stops
ESC [ 2 g Same as above
ESC [ 3 g Same as above
ESC [ 0 g Clear tab stop at current active position
ESC [ Pn ; Pn s Set left and right margins respectively with values given
ESC [ Pn ` (octal 140) Position print head to column number Pn on the current line (not applicable to LA34-DA)
ESC [ Pn a Position the print head Pn columns to the right of the current position (not applicable to LA34-DA)
ESC [ Pn w Set pitch according to the parameter given (Pn = 5, 6, 7, 8 not on LA34-DA); where
Pn Horizontal Pitch
0,1 Select 10 cpi
2 Select 12 cpi
3 Select 13.2 cpi
4 Select 16.5 cpi
5 Select 5 cpi (double width characters)
6 Select 6 cpi (double width characters)
7 Select 6.6 cpi (double width characters)
8 Select 8.25 cpi (double width characters)
Alternate keypad mode (applications mode)
ESC = (075) Enable alternate key pad mode
ESC > (076) Enable numeric key pad mode (refer to appendix A)

Vertical Motion Control

Escape Sequence Function/Comments
ESC D Perform a line feed
ESC E Perform a new line function (do a <CR><LF> sequence)
ESC K Perform a partial line down function (not applicable to LA34-DA)
ESC L Perform a partial line up function (not applicable to LA34-DA)
ESC M Perform a reverse line feed (not applicable to LA34-DA)
ESC J Set a tab stop at the current line number
ESC [ 1 g Clear the tab stop at the current line
ESC [ 4 g Clear all tab stops
ESC [ Pn A Execute Pn reverse line feeds
(0 < Pn <= current form length)
(not applicable to LA34-DA)
ESC [ Pn z Set the vertical pitch according to the parameter supplied, where
Pn Vertical Pitch
0,1 Set spacing to 6 lpi
2 Set spacing to 8 lpi
3 Set spacing to 12 lpi
4 Set spacing to 2 lpi
5 Set spacing to 3 lpi
6 Set spacing to 4 lpi
ESC [ Pn ; Pn r Set top margin; bottom margin to the line numbers indicated
ESC [ Pn t Set form length to Pn lines in the current vertical pitch
ESC [ Pn ; ... ; Pn v Set vertical tab stops at the line numbers indicated
ESC 4 Clear all vertical tab stops currently in force
ESC 3 Set a vertical tab stop at the current line
ESC [ Pn d Do Pn line feeds (LAX34-XL only)
ESC [ Pn e Position to absolute line number
(LAX34-XL only)


Escape Sequence Function/Comments
ESC P ANSI DCS string follows – data will be thrown away until the terminator sequence is received (ST, DEL, CAN, SUB)
ESC \ (134) ANSI ST – this is the standard string terminator which is used to inform the terminal that the DCS, OCS, APC, PM string has been sent
ESC ^ (136) ANSI OCS string follows – data will be thrown away until the terminator sequence is received
ESC _ (137) ANSI APC string follows – data will be thrown away until the terminator sequence is received
ESC ] (135) ANSI PM string follows – data will be thrown away until the terminator sequence is received
ESC anything This sequence acts like an ANSI ST in that a DCS, OCS, APC, PM will terminate if this is received

Printer Control

(These apply to LA34-AA, LA34X-XL only.)

G0 Character Set
Escape Sequence Function/Comments
ESC ( A Select British as the primary character set
ESC ( B Select US as the primary character set
ESC ( C Select Finnish as the primary character set
ESC ( E Select Norwegian (Danish) as the primary character set
ESC ( H Select Swedish as the primary character set
ESC ( K Select German as the primary character set
ESC ( Q Select French-Canadian as the primary character set
ESC ( R Select French as the primary character set
ESC ( 8 Select APL as the primary character set
ESC ( 0 Select VT100 line drawing set as the primary character set
G1 Character Set
Escape Sequence Function/Comments
ESC ) A Select British as the alternate character set
ESC ) B Select US as the alternate character set
ESC ) C Select Finnish as the alternate character set
ESC ) E Select Norwegian (Danish) as the alternate character set
ESC ) H Select Swedish as the alternate character set
ESC ) K Select German as the alternate character set
ESC ) Q Select French-Canadian as the alternate character set
ESC ) R Select French as the alternate character set
ESC ) 8 Select APL as the alternate character set
ESC ) 0 Select VT100 line drawing set as the alternate character set

Alternate Keypad Mode

This procedure enables the optional numeric keypad to be used in two ways to generate character codes, or to generate escape sequence. The following table describes the characters and escape sequences generated by the 18 keys on the keypad.

Character or Escape Sequence Transmitted
Numeric Keypad Key Normal Keypad Mode Alternate Keypad Mode Code Sequence
PF1 ESC O P ESC O P 033 117 120
PF2 ESC O Q ESC O Q 033 117 121
PF3 ESC O R ESC O R 033 117 122
PF4 ESC O S ESC O S 033 117 123
ENTER Same as RETURN key ESC O M 033 117 115
, (comma) , (comma) ESC O l 033 117 154
- (dash) - (dash) ESC O m 033 117 155
. (period) . (period) ESC O n 033 117 156
0 0 ESC O p 033 117 160
1 1 ESC O q 033 117 161
2 2 ESC O r 033 117 162
3 3 ESC O s 033 117 163
4 4 ESC O t 033 117 164
5 5 ESC O u 033 117 165
6 6 ESC O v 033 117 166
7 7 ESC O w 033 117 167
8 8 ESC O x 033 117 170
9 9 ESC O y 033 117 171

Note: When in alternate keypad mode and local the numeric keypad cannot be used to print characters.