Terminals and Printers Handbook 1983-84

Appendix G

Letterprinter 100 Programming Reference Summary

The most current operating and programming information on the Letterprinter 100 is reproduced here.

Operator Information

Note: All features and control sequences apply to both Version 1 and Version 2 microcode, unless otherwise noted.

Switch-Selectable Features
R = Right L = Left

Switch A

Baud Rate (Speed)
Switches Function/Comments
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5*
R R R R R Selects 50 baud
L R R R R Selects 75 baud
R L R R R Selects 110 baud
L L R R R Selects 134.5 baud
R R L R R Selects 150 baud
L R L R R Selects 200 baud
R L L R R Selects 300 baud
L L L R R Selects 600 baud
R R R L R Selects 1200 baud
L R R L R Selects 1800 baud
R L R L R Selects 2400 baud
L L R L R Selects 4800 baud
R R L L R Selects 7200 baud
L R L L R Selects 9600 baud
R R R R L Selects 75 xmit/600 rec.
L R R R L Selects 75 xmit/1200 rec.
R L R R L Selects 150 xmit/600 rec.
L L R R L Selects 150 xmit/1200 rec.
R R L R L Selects 300 xmit/2400 rec.
L R L R L Selects 300 xmit/4800 rec.
R L L R L Selects 600 xmit/2400 rec.
L L L R L Selects 600 xmit/4800 rec.
* Switch 5 selects equal or not equal xmit and rec. rates
Switches Function/Comments
A6 A7 7 data bits* 8 data bits*
R R Sets parity bit to space No parity bit sent
L R Sets parity bit to mark No parity bit sent
R L Sets parity bit to even parity Even parity
L L Sets parity bit to odd parity Odd parity
* Set by switch A8
Data Bits
Switch Function/Comments
R Selects 7 data bits/character
L Selects 8 data bits/character

Switch B

Speed Control/Restraint
Switch Function/Comments
R Selects restraint mode
L Selects speed control mode (speed control for use with Bell 212 or equivalent modem only)
Modem Control
Switch Function/Comments
R Disables modem control
L Enables modem control
Paper Fault
Switches Function/Comments
B3 B4
R R Selects no action
(XOFF sent if enabled)
L R Selects send break
R L Selects disconnect (Drop DTR)
L L Selects do not connect
Coded Disconnect
Switch Function/Comments
R Sets coded disconnect off (ignore EOT)
L Sets coded disconnect on (disconnect upon receiving EOT)
Switch Function/Comments
R Disables auto XON/XOFF
L Enables auto XON/XOFF
Receiver Error Processing
Switch Function/Comments
R Sets receiver error processing to print substitute character
L Sets receiver error processing to print characters as received
Switch Function/Comments
Move switch from right to left Stores computer selectable features from operating memory into user permanent memory

Note: Moving switch B8 from left to right performs no function.

Jumper-Selectable Features
Jumper State Function/Comments
  Answerback Message Protect (W9)
Installed Answerback message unprotected (message can be erased or changed)
Removed Answerback message protected (message can not be erased or changed)
  Auto Answerback (W8)
Installed Disables auto answerback
Removed Enables auto answerback (answerback message is transmitted when communication link is established)
  Busy Signal Polarity
  Terminal State Busy Signal
Standard position Busy On (1)
Ready Off (0)
Alternate position Busy On (1)
Ready Off (0)

Programmer Information

Standard Character Set

C0 Control Characters
Name Mnemonic Octal Code Function
Null NUL 000 Used as fill character
End of Transmission EOT 004 Used as a disconnect character if enabled
Enquiry ENQ 005 Requests answerback message
Bell BEL 007 Sounds bell tone
Backspace BS 010 Moves the active column left one column
Horizontal Tab HT 011 Advances to next horizontal tab
Line Feed LF 012 Advances to next line. Performs carriage return if linefeed new line mode is on.
Vertical Tab VT 013 Advances to next vertical tab
Form Feed FF 014 Advances to next top margin
Carriage Return CR 015 Returns to left margin
Locking Shift 1
(Shift Out)
016 Invokes G1 into GL
Locking Shift 0
(Shift In)
017 Invokes G0 into GL
Cancel CAN 030 Immediately ends any control sequence, escape sequence or string
Substitute SUB 032 Immediately ends any control or escape sequence, but not string. SUB is printed as “[five dots]”, or “[reverse question]”, or in graphics mode, as a one column space.
Escape ESC 033 Introduces an escape sequence. When executed in graphics mode causes the terminal to exit and start processing the sequence.
Delete DEL 177 No operation. Not recommended as a filler character.
Graphics Mode C0 Control Characters
Cancel CAN 030 Immediately causes an exit from graphics mode.
Substitute SUB 032 SUB is processed as a one column space
Escape ESC 033 Causes the terminal to exit graphics mode and start processing the sequence.

Note: NUL, EOT, ENQ, BEL, DEL, SI, SO processed as in text mode.

BS, LF, CR, FF, HT, VT are ignored in graphics mode.

Graphics Mode Private Control Characters
Name Mnemonic Octal Code ASCII Character Function
Graphics Repeat Introducer DECGRI 041 ! Begins repeat sequence
Graphics Carriage Return DECGCR 044 $ Returns to graphics left margin
Graphics New Line DECGNL 055 - Returns to graphics left margin and advances to next graphics line

Note: Graphics printable data is 077 octal plus binary value of 6 dot column with least significant bit (LSB) assigned to the top wire.

Escape and Control Sequences

Note: V2 microcode supports the use of 8-bit characters to replace certain 7-bit sequences.

8-Bit Character* Equivalents for 7-Bit Escape Sequences
7-Bit Sequence 8-Bit Character* Function
Octal Octal
ESC D 033 104 = IND 204 Index
ESC E 033 105 = NEL 205 Vertical line
ESC H 033 110 = HTS 210 Horizontal tabulation set
ESC J 033 112 = VTS 212 Vertical tabulation set
ESC K 033 113 = PLD 213 Partial line down
ESC L 033 114 = PLU 214 Partial line up
ESC M 033 115 = RI 215 Reverse index
ESC N 033 116 = SS2 216 Single shift 2
ESC O 033 117 = SS3 217 Single shift 3
ESC P 033 120 = DCS 220 Device control string
ESC [ 033 133 = CSI 233 Control sequence introducer
ESC \ 033 134 = ST 234 String terminator
ESC ] 033 135 = OSC 235 Operating system command
ESC ^ 033 136 = PM 236 Private message
ESC _ 033 137 = APC 237 Application program command
* V.2. only
Sequence Mnemonic Function
Line Feed New Line Mode LNM
ESC  [   2   0   h
033 133 062 060 150
Sets line feed new line mode on
ESC  [   2   0   l*
033 133 062 060 154
Sets line feed new line mode off
Auto Wraparound Mode DECAWM
ESC  [   ?   7   h
033 133 077 067 150
Sets auto wraparound mode on
ESC  [   ?   7   l*
033 133 077 067 154
Sets auto wraparound mode off
Density Select Mode DECDEN
ESC  [   0   "   z
033 133 060 042 172
Sets density select mode to default (draft) density.
ESC  [   1   "   z
033 133 061 042 172
Sets density select mode to draft density.
ESC  [   2   "   z
033 133 062 042 172
Sets density select mode to letter density (medium or high density depending on DPS).
* The last character of the sequence is lowercase L (1548)
Sequence Mnemonic Function
Pitch Select Mode DECPSM
ESC  [   ?   2   9   h
033 133 077 062 071 150
Sets pitch select mode to current DPS pitches mode.
ESC  [   ?   2   9   l*
033 133 077 062 071 154
Sets pitch select mode to all pitches mode.
Select Graphic Rendition SGR
ESC  [  Ps   ;  ...  ;  Ps   m
033 133 *** 073 ... 073 *** 155
Ps Function
0 Clear underline
4 Selects underline
10 Selects DPS 1
11 Selects DPS 2
12 Selects DPS 3
13 Selects DPS 4
14 Selects DPS 5

Request DPS Configuration

ESC  [   ?   1   0   c
033 133 077 061 060 143

Requests that the terminal sends current DPS configuration

Report Font Configuration

DPS Configuration Report

ESC  [  Pn1  ;  Pn2  ;  Pn3*  ;  Pn4*  ;  Pn5* SP   D
033 133 *** 073 *** 073 ***  073 ***  073 ***  040 104

A report is sent for each installed DPS. DPS 1 (Pn1 = 010) always reports last.

Pn1 Location
010 DPS 1
011 DPS 2
012 DPS 3
013 DPS 4
014 DPS 5
Pn2 ROM Identification
001 US/UK Gothic 10 High Density Primary
002 International Gothic 10 High Density Overlay
003 US/UK Gothic 12 High Density Primary
004 International Gothic 12 High Density Overlay
005 US/UK Courier 10 High Density Primary
006 International Courier 10 High Density Overlay
007 US/UK Courier 12 High Density Primary
008 International Courier 12 High Density Overlay
009 US/UK Orator 10 High Density Primary
010 International Orator 10 High Density Overlay
069 US/UK Courier 10 Medium Density Primary
070 International Courier 10 Medium Density Overlay
073 US/UK Orator 10 Medium Density Primary
074 International Orator 10 Medium Density Overlay
129 Symbol 10 High Density Primary

Note: Refer to ROM Option Documentation for other identification codes.

Pn3* Typestyle
0 None
1 Gothic
5 Courier
9 Orator
Pn4* Pitch
0 12/6 CPI
8 10/5 CPI
Pn5* Density
0 Draft/Letter (7 × 9/33 × 18 Matrix)
1 Draft/Memo (7 × 9/33 × 9 Matrix)

* Note: V2. only

Character Set Selection (SCS)

Character Set Selection SCS
. . .
. . .

I1 selects a repertory and a target (primary/secondary refer to an international list of sets and bears no relation to the primary/overlay distinction between DPS ROMs).

Primary Secondary* Target

I2*...In* final selects the character set within repertory
Note: V2. only

Character Set Designators
I2** Final Octal Character Set
0 060 Digital VT100 Line Drawing
4 064 Digital Dutch
5 065 Digital Finnish*
6 066 Digital Norwegian/Danish*
7 067 Digital Swedish*
8 070 Digital APL
9 071 Digital French Canadian*
< 074 Digital Multinational
A 101 ISO UK
B 102 ISO US
K 113 ISO German
R 122 ISO French
Y 131 ISO Italian
Z 132 ISO Spanish
" 1 042,061 Digital Symbol 10**

Note: Refer to ROM Option Documentation for other designators.

* Note: ISO (LA120) finals for these languages are supported but are not recommended. Their use selects the corresponding Digital character set.

** Note: V2 only

Sequence Function
ESC  (  Final
033 050
Sets G0 character set
ESC  )  Final
033 051
Sets G1 character set
ESC  *  Final
033 052
Sets G2 character set
ESC  +  Final
033 053
Sets G3 character set
Designation of Graphic Sets
Active Column and Active Line
Sequence Mnemonic Function
033 104
IND Increments active line and advances paper
ESC  [  Pn   d
033 133 *** 144
VPA Sets active line to Pn
033 105
NEL Sets active column to left margin. Increments active line
ESC  [  Pn   `
033 133 *** 140
HPA Sets active column to column Pn
ESC  [  Pn   a
033 133 *** 141
HPR Advances current active column by Pn columns
ESC  [  Pn   A
033 133 *** 101
CUU Decrements current active line by Pn lines without going past top margin
ESC  [  Pn   e
033 133 *** 145
VPR Advances active line by Pn lines. Stops at the beginning of next page.
033 113
PLD Moves paper up 1/12″ (for subscripts or return from superscripts).
033 114
PLU Moves paper down 1/12″ (for superscripts or return from subscripts).
033 115
RI Decrements active line and moves paper down one line (prints on preceding line).
Sequence Mnemonic Function
Horizontal Pitch DECSHORP
ESC  [  Ps   w
033 133 *** 167
Ps Octal Characters/Inch
0 060 Default (10)
1 061 10
2 062 12
3 063 13.2
4 064 16.5
5 065 5
6 066 6
7 067 6.6
8 070 8.25
Horizontal Margins DECSLRM  
ESC  [  Pn1  ;  Pn2  s
033 133 *** 073 *** 163
Sets left margin to Pn1, right margin to Pn2.

Horizontal Tabs

Sequence Mnemonic Function
033 110
HTS Sets horizontal tab stop at active column
ESC  1
033 061
DECHTS Sets horizontal tab stop at active column. Not recommended, use HTS instead.
ESC  [   0   g
033 133 060 147
TBC Clears horizontal tab stop at the active column
ESC  [   2   g
033 133 062 147
TBC Clears all horizontal tab stops
ESC  [   3   g
033 133 063 147
TBC Clears all horizontal tab stops
ESC  2
033 062
DECAHT Clears all horizontal tab stops. Not recommended, use TBC instead.
ESC  [  Pn   ;  ... Pn   u
033 133 *** 073 ... *** 165
DECSHTS Sets horizontal tab stops at the given values for Pn (up to 16 stops may be specified).
Sequence Mnemonic Function
Vertical Pitch DECVERP
ESC  [  Ps   z
033 133 *** 172
Ps Octal Lines/Inch
0 060 Default (6)
1 061 6
2 062 8
3 063 12
4 064 2
5 065 3
6 066 4
Forms Length DECSLPP
ESC  [  Pn   t
033 133 *** 164
Sets form length to Pn lines. Sets top margin and active line to line one. Sets bottom margin to line Pn. Default is 1.
Vertical Margins DECSTBM
ESC  [  Pn1  ;  Pn2  r
033 133 *** 073 *** 162
Sets top margin to (Pn1) × (pitch) inches, bottom margin to (Pn2) × (pitch) inches.

Vertical Tabs

Sequence Mnemonic Function
033 112
VTS Sets a vertical tab stop at active line
ESC  3
033 063
DECVTS Sets vertical tab stop at active line. Not recommended, use VTS instead.
ESC  [  Pn   ;  ... Pn   v
033 133 *** 073 ... *** 166
DECSVTS Sets a vertical tab stop at line Pn (up to 16 lines may be specified).
ESC  [   1   g
033 133 061 147
TBC Clears vertical tab stop at active line
ESC  [   4   g
033 133 064 147
TBC Clears all vertical tab stops
ESC  4
033 064
DECCAVT Clears all vertical tab stops. Not recommended, use TBC instead.

Page Width Alignment (V2 only) DECPWA

CSI Pn1  ;  Pn2  "   s
233 *** 073 *** 042 163

Pn1 specifies the left edge of print area relative to left edge of physical page.
Pn2 specifies width of print area.
Pn1 and Pn2 in units of 1/12″

C1 Control Character Processing (V2. only)

233 040 ***
Ps Mnemonic Function
CSI SP   6
233 040 066
DECTC1 Truncates the 8th bit of all C1 control characters received.
CSI SP   7
233 040 067
DECAC1 8th bit received and processed.
233 040 106
S7C1T C1 control characters transmitted as sequence of two 7-bit characters.
233 040 107
S8C1T Transmitted as single 8-bit character.

Product Identification Request

Sequence Mnemonic Function
ESC  [   c
033 133 143
DA Requests product identification.
ESC  [   0   c
033 133 060 143
DA Requests product identification.
033 132
DECID Requests product identification. Not recommended, use DA instead.

Product Identification Report

Report Device
ESC  [   ?   1   0   c
033 133 077 061 060 143
Version 1 microcode (7-bit only)
ESC  [   ?   1   0   ;   2   c
033 133 077 061 060 073 062 143
Version 2 microcode (7 or 8-bit only)

ANSI Strings

ESC  _  Data ... Data ESC  \
033 137 ***  ... ***  033 134
APC Application program command
ESC  ]  Data ... Data ESC  \
033 135 ***  ... ***  033 134
OSC Operating system command
ESC  ^  Data ... Data ESC  \
033 136 ***  ... ***  033 134
PM Privacy message
ESC  \
033 134

Graphics String

ESC  P  Ps   q  Data ... Data ESC  \
033 120 *** 161 ***  ... ***  033 134
Ps Dot Spacing (mils)
0,1,5 7.57
2* 3.03
3* 4.54
4* 6.06
6* 9.09
7* 10.60
8* 12.12
9* 13.63

* Note: V2. only

Answerback Message Entry

ESC  P   v  Data ... Data ESC  \
033 120 166 ***  ... ***  033 134

Data consists of up to 30 characters coded in hex.