Terminals and Printers Handbook 1983-84

Appendix D

VT125 Programming Summary

ANSI Compatible Sequences

Note: The VT125 generates the following control characters differently from previous DIGITAL terminals.

Code VT125 Keys Previous Terminal Keys
NUL CTRL-Space bar CTRL-@

Character Attributes

Name Mnemonic Sequence
Select Graphic Rendition SGR -
   No attributes - ESC [ m
   No attributes - ESC [ 0 m
   Select bold attribute - ESC [ 1 m
   Select underline attribute - ESC [ 4 m
   Select blink attribute - ESC [ 5 m
   Select reverse video attribute - ESC [ 7 m

Note: Without advance video option (AVO), only underline or reverse attribute is available.

Communication and Graphics Protocol Commands

Name Mnemonic Sequence
Device control string DCS
    Enter ReGIS at previous command level ESC P p
Enter ReGIS at highest command level ESC P 1 p
Enter ReGIS at previous command level with commands to screen ESC P 2 p
Enter ReGIS at highest command level with commands to screen ESC P 3 p
Enter DECwriter graphics ESC P q
Enter VT105 emulator ESC P t
String terminator ST
Exit graphics ESC \
Media copy MC
Turn off computer to auxiliary port ESC [ 4 i
Turn on computer to auxiliary port ESC [ 5 i
Turn off computer to screen ESC [ 6 i
Turn on computer to screen ESC [ 7 i
Select auxiliary port for ReGIS hardcopy output ESC [ ? 0 i
Select computer port for ReGIS hardcopy output ESC [ ? 2 i


Note: Format is ESC [ ? 12; <vt100> ; <vt125> ; <version> c

Command Function
<vt100> 5 = no AVO, 7 = AVO
<vt125> 1 = printer, 0 = no printer
<version> Graphics firmware

VT100 Tests and Adjustments

Note: Do not use VT100 loopback tests with the graphics processor installed. Loopback tests require test connector. Continuous tests end at failure or power-off.

Name Mnemonic Sequence
Screen alignment display DECALN
    Fill screen with “Es” ESC # 8
Invoke confidence test DECTST
Power-up test ESC [ 2 ; 1 y
Data loopback test ESC [ 2 ; 2 y
Power-up and data loopback tests ESC [ 2 ; 3 y
EIA modem control loopback test ESC [ 2 ; 4 y
Power-up and EIA loopback tests ESC [ 2 ; 5 y
Data loopback and EIA loopback tests ESC [ 2 ; 6 y
Power-up, data loopback and EIA loopback tests ESC [ 2 ; 7 y
Repeat power-up test continuously ESC [ 2 ; 9 y
Repeat data loopback continuously ESC [ 2 ; 10 y
Repeat power-up and data loopback tests continuously ESC [ 2 ; 11 y
Repeat EIA test continuously ESC [ 2 ; 12 y
Repeat power-up and EIA tests continuously ESC [ 2 ; 13 y
Repeat data loopback and EIA loopback tests continuously ESC [ 2 ; 14 y
Repeat power-up, data loopback and EIA loopback tests continuously ESC [ 2 ; 15 y

VT125 Tests and Adjustments

Note: All tests require loopback connector. Always include power-up test for correct display of error indication.

Name Mnemonic Sequence
Invoke confidence test DECTST ESC [ 4 ; 1 ; Ps ... ; Ps y
    VT125 power-up test Ps = 1
VT125 computer port data loopback test Ps = 2
VT125 auxiliary port data loopback test Ps = 3
VT125 display test Ps = 4
VT125 video bit map memory test Ps = 5
Repeat any selected tests continuously until power-off or failure Ps = 9

ReGIS Command Summary

Position Command Summary

Command Function
P [ ] Reset pattern memory.
[ <position> ] Move to <position>.
<pixel vector> or <pv> Move <multiplier> pixels in <pv> direction.
(B) Save current location.
(S) Save dummy location.
(E) Move to last saved location.
(W (<temp. writing controls>)). P (W (M<multiplier>)).

Vector Command Summary

Command Function
V [ ] Draw dot at current position.
[ <position> ] Draw vector to <position>.
<pixel vector> or <pv> Draw <multiplier> pixels in <pv> direction.
(B) Save current position.
(S) Save dummy position.
(E) Draw to last saved position.
(W (<temp. writing controls>))

Curve Command Summary

Command Function
C [<position>] Circle with center at current position, circumference at <position>.
(C) [<position>] Circle with center at <position>, circumference at current position.
(A<degrees>) [<position>] Arc with center at current position, starting at <position> for <degrees>.
(A<degrees>C) [<position>] Arc with center at <position> starting at current position for <degrees>.
(B) [<pos.>] . . . [<pos.>] (E) Bounded (closed) curve
(S) [ ] [<pos.>] . . . [<pos.>] [ ] (E) Unbounded (open) curve
(W (<temp. writing controls>))

Text Command Summary

 T (S <size number>)
   (H <height>)
   (S [<width in pixels>,<height in pixels>])
   (M [<width pixel multiplier>,<height pixel multiplier>])
   (D <direction angle>)
   (D <string tilt> S <size> D <char tilt>)
   (T <italic degrees>)
   (A <pattern set number>)
   ((B) <temporary attributes block> (E))
   (W (<temp. writing controls>) )

Writing Controls Summary

Command Function
 W (C)
   (F <foreground planes>)

   (I 0 or (D) )
      1    (R) )
      2    (G) )
      3    (B) )
           (C) )
           (Y) )
           (M) )
           (W) )
   (I (H <hue angle>
       L <lightness percent>
       S <saturation percent>))
   (M <multiplier>)
   (N 1)
   (N 0)
   (S 1)
   (S 0)
   (S [shading reference])
   (S 'shading character')
   (P <binary pattern>)
   (P <pattern number>)
   (P (M <pattern multiplier>))
   (W <i> (P <j>, N <k>))
 0 = no planes
 1 = plane 1
 2 = plane 2
 3 = planes 1 and 2
 Foreground intensity:
 Dark       or Dark
 Dim grey      Red
 Light grey    Green
 White         Blue

 Pixels per <pv>
 Negative on
 Negative off
 Shading on
 Shading off

 Enter pattern
 Use VT125 pattern.

 Custom writing control.

Screen Controls Summary

Command Function
 S <pixel vector>
   (A [<position>][<position>]
   (H [<position>][<position>]


   (I 0 or (D) )
      1    (R) )
      2    (G) )
      3    (B) )
           (C) )
           (Y) )
           (M) )
           (W) )
   (I (H <hue angle>
       L <lightness percent>
       S <saturation percent>))
   S(M<n>(<mono HLS>)(A<color HLS>))
   (S <scale>)
   (S (X<scale>Y<scale>))
   (T <ticks>)
   (W (temporary writing controls)

 Display addressing.
 Erase screen.
 Hardcopy (corner positions
 Set hardcopy offset.
 Background intensity:
 Dark       or Dark
 Dim grey      Red
 Light grey    Green
 White         Blue

 Output mapping

 Time delay


Command Function
   :keyletter character_string @;
 Clear all macrographs
 Define macrograph
 Invoke macrograph

Character Cell Control Summary

Command Function
 L (A<integer>)
   "<ASCII char>" <hex pair> ...
   <hex pair>;
 Select for loading.
 Give name to set.
 Load cell.

Report Command Summary

Command Function
 R (L)
   (M (<keyletter>))
   (M (=))
 Set selected for loading.
 Contents of macrograph.
 Use of storage.
 Reply to use.
 Cursor position.